Historic Books, Maps,
Documents & Photographs from the Estates of Clyde McGinnis &
John Quincy Wolf Jr.
Auction Preview April 25th & 26th - 9:00a.m.-7:00p.m.
Saturday, April 27th - 10:00a.m.
1690 White Drive - Batesville, AR 72501
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of Sir Walter Scott including: 12 Volume set The Waverley
Novels Edition De Luxe by Sir Walter Scott, Bart, Published
by The Nottingham Society, Three Quarter burgundy leather
with burgundy cloth over boards, Set is in good condition
with some wear to covers; and The Poetical Works of Sir Walter
Scott, Bart, Containing Lay of the Last Minstrel - Marmion
- Lady of the Lake - Rokeby - Don Roderick - Ballads, Lyrics,
and Songs. Notes, and Life of the Author., Philadelphia, 1856,
brown tooled leather hardbound with gilt lettering and 5 raised
bands on spine, good condition with some water staining to
the front end papers, some foxing throughout.
19th Century Robert Burns Books including: Poems, Chiefly in
the Scottish Dialect, 1869, blue cloth hardcover, One of 600
limited edition copies signed by the printer James M'Kie, good
condition with some wear to cover and spine; and The Burns Calendar:
A Manual of Burnsiana; Relating Events in the Poet's History,
Names Associated with His Life and Writings, A Concise Bibliography,
and A Record of Burns Relics. 1874, printed and published by
James M'Kie, blue cloth hardcover, good condition with some
wear to cover and spine.
A Dictionary of Quotations from The British Poets. In Three
Parts. Part the Second. Blank Verse. (Volume II)
Author: Kingdom, William
Description: Volume II of III volume set. 355 pp.,
book measures 4.75 in. X 7.75 in., Full brown leather with
4 raised bands on spine and gilt lettering on spine and boards.
Heading: Place Published: London
Publisher: G. And W. B. Whittaker
Date Published: 1824
Edition: First
Binding: Leather Hardbound
The River Duddon, A Series of Sonnets: Vaudracour and Julia:
And Other Poems. To Which is Annexed, A Topographical Description
of the Country of the Lakes, in the North of England
Author: Wordsworth, William
Description: 321 pp. A rare first edition copy in three
quarter brown leather with marble boards and page edges, gilt
lettering and design to spine, book measures 5.5 in. X 8.5
Heading: Place Published: London
Publisher: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown
Date Published: 1820
Edition: First
Binding: Hardcover
of 1920's poem books including: Chills and Fever, by Ransom,
John Crowe, 1924 first edition, cloth hardcover with original
sticker label on spine, good condition with some wear to cover;
The Tall Men, by Davidson, Donald, 1927 first edition, cloth
hardcover with paper label on front board, very good condition
with little wear to cover and spine; Dionysus In Doubt, A
Book of Poems, by Robinson, Edwin Arlington, 1925 First Edition,
cloth hard cover with paper label on front board and spine,
very good condition; Edwin Arlington Robinson, by Doren, Mark
Van, 1927 First Edition, cloth hard cover with gilt lettering
to front board and spine, good condition with some wear to
cover; and Tristram, by Robinson, Edwin Arlington, 1927 first
edition, cloth hard cover with gilt lettering to front board
and spine, good condition with some wear to cover.
of 4 poem books including: A Roycroft Anthology, Edited
by Hoyle, John T., 1917, three quarter brown leather with
paper over boards, gilt spine decoration, good condition with
some wear to cover and spine; Lyra Elegantiarum, Edited by
Locker-Lampson, Frederick, 1891, green leather hardbound with
4 raised bands and gilt lettering on spine, good condition
with some cracking between spine and boards; Lucasta. The
Poems of Richard Lovelace, Esq., by Hazlitt, W. Carew, 1864,
brown cloth hardcover with gilt lettering on spine, fair condition
with small tear to top of spine, wear to cover, spine loose
from book, frontis portrait detached but present; and Harvard
Classics, The Complete Poems of John Milton, 1909, brown cloth
hardback with gilt design on front board and lettering on
spine, good condition with some wear to cover.
The Works of Francis Bacon (12 Volume Set)
Author: Speeding, James; Ellis & Heath (eds)
Description: 12 Volume Set, brown cloth hardcover with
gilt lettering to spine, Frontis Portrait in Vol. 1.
Heading: Place Published: Boston
Publisher: Brown & Taggard
Date Published: 1861
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardcover
The Diary of an Old Lawyer Scenes Behind the Curtain
Author: Hallum, John
Description: : 458pp. brown cloth hardcover, gilt lettering
on spine, frontis portrait of author and his wife. Rare Civil
War Related Book. Author was soldier in Confederate Army and
became a successful lawyer. 4to - over 9¾""
- 12"" tall.
Heading: Place Published: Nashville, TN.
Publisher: Southwestern Publishing House
Date Published: 1895
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardcover
The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth
Author: Jefferson, Thomas
Description: The 2nd edition, a photocopied facsimile
of Jefferson's original, red leather binding with gilt decoration
to cover and marble end papers.
Heading: Place Published: Washington
Publisher: Government Printing Office
Date Published: 1904
Edition: Facsimile
Binding: Hard Cover
The History of the French Revolution (In Five Volumes)
Author: Thiers, Louis Adolphe
Description: Beautiful Five volume set. 8vo. With 41
engravings by William Greatbach. Finely bound in full crimson
calf, fillet borders, spines heavily gilt with revolutionary
symbols in panels, leather labels, inner dentelles, marbled
endpapers. Thiers (1797-1877) was a French statesman and historian.
He was a prime minister under King Louis-Philippe of France.
This title was the second of his two famous works on French
history and is one of the standard texts on the immediate
post-revolutionary era. It is considered one of the best of
the English editions.
Heading: Place Published: London
Publisher: Richard Bentley and Son
Date Published: 1881
Binding: Hardbound
History of the Consulate and the Empire of France Under Napoleon.
Forming a Sequel to ""The History of the French
Author: Thiers, M. A.
Description: Beautiful 20 volumes bound into 13. 8vo.
Finely bound in full crimson calf, fillet borders, spines
heavily gilt with revolutionary symbols in panels, leather
labels, inner dentelles, with marbled endpapers.
Heading: Place Published: London
Publisher Vol.1 - Vol.12: Henry Colburn, Great Marlborough
Street, Sold Also by Chapman and Hall, Strand. Publisher Vol.
13 - Vol.20: Willis and Sotheran, 136, Strand
Date Published: 1845-1862
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardbound
Report of the Secretary of War, Communicating, in Compliance
with a Resolution of the Senate of February 2, 1857, Information
Respecting the Purchase of Camels for the Purpose of Military
Author: Davis, Jefferson
Description: 238 pp. 8vo. original binding and grey
cloth hardcover, blind stamped. Illustrated with engravings.
Heading: Place Published: Washington
Publisher: A. O. P. Nicholson
Date Published: 1857
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardcover
of Illustrated Civil War Narratives including: Camp Fires
of the Confederacy, edited by LaBree, Ben, 1898, 560 pp. grey
cloth hardcover with illustrated front board and spine, Illustrations
throughout, book measures 7.5 in. X 9.75 in., from V. Y. Cooks
library with signed full page photograph of Col. Cook attached
to front end paper, good condition with some wear to cover;
Deeds of the Daring by both Blue and Gray, by Kelsey, D. M.,
1890, 672 pp. blue cloth hardcover with illustrate front board
and spine, illustrations throughout, book measures 6.25 in.
X 9 in., from V. Y. Cooks library with his stamp on front
end paper, good condition with some wear to cover, front board
is loose from spine; and Story of the War. Pictorial History
of the Great Civil War: Embracing Full and Authentic Accounts
of Battles by Land and Sea, by Wilson, John Laird, 1881, 976
pp. green cloth hardcover with illustrated front board and
spine and marble paper edges, Illustrations throughout, book
measures 8 in. X 10.25, from V. Y. Cooks library with his
stamp in front end papers, good condition with some wear to
1890 Jefferson Davis volumes including: The Davis Memorial
Volume; or Our Dead President, Jefferson Davis, and the World's
Tribute to His Memory, by Jones, J. W. M., 1890, blue cloth
hardcover, fair-good condition with some wear to cover, front
and back boards and spine loose; Life and Reminiscences of
Jefferson Davis, by Distinguished Men of His Time, 1890, brown
cloth hardcover, good condition with some wear to cover and
light foxing; and Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate
States of America: A Memoir (2 Volume Set), by his wife, 1890,
blue cloth hardcover, fair condition with wear to covers,
foxing on title pages and frontis portraits, Ex-Library copies
with inventory numbers on spine and stamps on front end papers,
spines are very loose with front boards completely loose.
of Civil War History Books including: A Constitutional View
of the Late War Between the States; Its Causes, Character,
Conduct and Results. Presented in a Series of Colloquies at
Liberty Hall, by Stephens, Alexander H., Vol. 1, 1868, brown
cloth hardcover, good condition with some wear to cover, Confederate
Military History Vol. X., 1899, Three quarters brown leather
with cloth boards, gilt lettering to spine and seal to front
board, good condition with some wear to cover, front bard
loose from spine, "Presented to Tenn. Confederate Soldiers
House from Capt. M. S. Cockrill, May 29, 1912" Inscribed
on inner side of front board.
The Civil War on the Border
Author: Britton, Wiley
Description: 473 pp., brown cloth hardcover with gilt
lettering to spine and marbled page edges, frontis portrait
of General Lyon.
Heading: Place Published: New York and London
Publisher: G. P. Putnam's Sons
Date Published: 1891
Edition: Second
Binding: Hardcover
Arkansas Civil War History Books including: Arkansas in War
and Reconstruction 1861 - 1874, by Thomas, David Y., 1926,
dark green cloth hardcover with gilt lettering to front board,
good condition with light foxing in end papers; and The Camp,
The Bivouac, and the Battle Field. Being a History of the
Fourth Arkansas Regiment, From its First Organization Down
to the Present Date. "Its Campaigns and Its Battles,"
by W. L. Gammage, Brigade Surgeon, 1958, grey cloth hardcover
with gilt lettering to front board and spine, very good condition.
Four years
in the Saddle, by Colonel Harry Gilmor, 1866, Harper &
Brothers, 291 pp., brown cloth hardcover with gilt lettering
to spine, from V. Y. Cook personal library with stamp in front
end papers, good condition with some foxing mostly in end
papers and portrait frontis, some shelf wear; and Fugitive
Lines by Henry Ferome Stockard, 1897, G. P. Putnam's Sons,
93 pp., green cloth hardcover with gilt lettering to spine
and front board, good condition with some wear to cover, slight
foxing, and gift inscription on inner side of front board.
The Confederate
Mail Carrier or from Missouri to Arkansas, Through Mississippi,
Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee. An Unwritten Leaf of the "Civil
War.," by James Bradley, 1894, 275 pp., blue cloth hardcover
with gilt lettering to front board and spine, frontis portrait,
good condition with some shelf wear to cover and gift inscription
in front end papers; and The Postal Service of the Confederate
States of America, by August Dietz, 1929, 439 pp., grey cloth
hardcover with gilt lettering to front board and spine, Signed
by author in front end papers, very good condition with some
slight shelf wear.
Robert E. Lee volumes including: Lee`s Sharpshooters or Forefront
of The Battle by W.S. Dunlop, The exploits of Robert E. Lee`s
Confederate sharpshooters as told by Major W.S. Dunlop, lot
includes letters from Robert F. ward to General V. Y. Cook
concerning Confederate affairs April 1920, Former library
copy "Arkansas College"., Published Little Rock,
Arkansas., Tunnah and Pittard, 1899., First Edition., Hardcover,
488 PP., Front board has a series of ink dots center top,
spine has a small loss and tears, browning to page edges,
some light foxing to front and back end pages, top edge pages
have minor old paint spots, overall this is a good old copy;
and The Soul of Lee By One of His Old Soldiers, Randolph H.
McKim, The life and campaigns of general Robert E. Lee told
by one of his soldiers of the Army of Northern Virginia, New
York, Longmans and Green, 1918, First Edition, Hardcover,
258 pp., 5.25" X 8.125", Boards and spine are in
good condition, front and back interior boards and end pages
have foxing, interior pages have light foxing, overall book
is in good condition.
The Immortal Six Hundred
Author: Major J. Ogden Murry
Description: 274 pp., 5.25"" X 7.5""
grey cloth hardcover with gilt lettering to front board and
Heading: Place Published: Winchester, Va.
Publisher: Eddy Press Corp.
Date Published: 1905
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hard Cover
Letters of A Confederate Surgeon 1861-65, selling 2 volumes
Authors: Gaughan, Thomas and Bragg, Peter Newport
Description: 276 pp., grey cloth hard cover with gold
gilt lettering to cover. The Civil War letters of Confederate
surgeon Junius Newport Bragg 1861-May 20th, 1865
Heading: Place Published: Camden, Arkansas
Publisher: The Hurley Co.
Date Published: 1960
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardcover
Reminiscences of A Private
Author: , Bevens W.E.
Description: 89 pp, grey cloth hardcover, gold gilt
lettering to cover, 8vo. The Jackson Guards fought in most
of the major engagements in the western theater as part of
the Army of Tennessee. Contains a 2 half page letter dated
10/3/1916, Newport, Arkansas and signed W.E. Bevens, on W.E.
Bevens Druggist stationary, also in the front endpapers a
pasted in inscription ""From W.E. Bevens, Newport,
Ark., Mrs. Helen Hulsey, Newport, Ar."", pasted
in the back endpapers a 1916 newspaper article by W.E. Evans
""Veterans Return Northern Flag"" article
tells of the return of the 76th Ohio Infantry flag captured
at the battle of Ringold Gap being returned at their annual
reunion in 1916.
Heading: Place Published: np
Publisher: np
Date Published: 1913
Edition: Rare Second Edition
Binding: Grey cloth hardcover
Chapters From The Unwritten History of The War Between States
Author: Lieut. R.M. Collins
Description: Dark green cloth, w/gilt lettering &
lines on spine, 335 pp., 5.5"" X 7.75"",
frontis portrait., illus.,Lt. Collins was born in East Tennessee
& moved to Texas, settling in Decatur. Early in 1862,
he joined the Confederate army & rose to the rank of lieutenant
in Co. B, 15th Texas Cavalry, Cleburne""s Division.
Fought at Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Nashville, etc. Collins""
narrative is an especially good one, well written, informative,
he was an excellent observer. Very good and rare copy.
Heading: Place Published: St. Louis
Publisher: Nixon-Jones Prtg. Co.
Date Published: 1893
Edition: 1st.
Binding: Original dark green embossed cloth hardboard
books about the civil war and Tennessee history.
(1)Recollections of Thomas D. Duncan: a confederate soldier,
by Duncan Thomas D., Private Thomas D. Duncan story of his
service in the Civil War in West Tennessee, Northern Mississippi
and Alabama under Nathan Bedford Forrest. Published by McQuiddy
Publishing Co. Nashville, TN. 1922, 213 pp., paperback, photograph
illustrations of the Duncan, 8 vo, Front and back boards and
spine have bends, edge paper has darkening and spotting, some
foxing rear end papers, overall book is in good condition.
(2) Parson Brownlow's Book: Sketches of the Rise, Progress
and Decline of Secession with a Narrative of Personal Adventures
among the Rebels, By Brownlow W.G.,Cincinnati: George W. Childs,
1862, First Edition, 458 pp. , 8 vo. Original brown pebbled
cloth boards. Frontis portrait missing, Good overall condition.
Faded early inscription on ffep, edges worn, spine ends frayed,
hinges well attached but loose, scattered light foxing, browning
of page edges. Hard Cover. Good. (3) Reminiscences of the
Early Settlement and Early Settlers of McNairy County, Tennessee,
General Marcus J. Wright, Commercial Publishing Co., Washington
D.C., 1882, 1st Edition, paperback, 8 vo, 96 pp. Early settlers
of McNairy County, Tennessee, Purdy, Tennessee the county
seat was burned by the U.S. Army. Frontis portrait is loose,
book is fragile, pages are browning, book has several page
and front and back board tears.(4) The Story of Shiloh, Rice
Delong, The story of the battle of Shiloh in the Civil War
told by one of the early superintendents of the park. Brandon
Printing Company, Nashville, Tennessee 1919, Paperback, 4""
X 7"", 64 pp. book has shelf wear with bends to
front and back boards, overall good condition. (5) Personal
Record of the Thirteenth Regiment, Tennessee Infantry, Vaughn
A.J.,John L. Heflin, Jr. 1975 Hardcover Facsimile reprint,
one of 500 numbered copies, this copy #126 of 500, 5.75""
X 8.75, 95 pp. Green cloth, no dust jacket. Faint wear, still
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